Saturday, April 30, 2011

Well maybe you should know...

... how it really feels, to be left outside alone.

I have had an awkward past 24 hours. It's kinda been sorta up and down, a lot like a roller coaster, as life always is. Like I said before, Life Is A Ride really is true.

A bit of a blow up happened on Twitter yesterday between a few people I follow. One of which I had met before and tried to maintain at least an acquaintance with, if not keep a friendship with him. It's not critical to me, I shrug it off like everything else. Many years ago I started learning that the old adage of Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Names Will Never Hurt Me is true, and some of the drama that went on yesterday was more of that. But when it involves someone who's attempting to use Social Media as a means to promote himself and his music, that's kinda crossing the line. It culminated in some name calling, though I kept a level head, I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. I look back on it now and realize how petty it was, but isn't everything these days?

I mean, my arguments with Michael were always petty, same with Anthony. It was almost worse with Anthony because it was stupid drama over other people we knew, and things they did. At least with Michael and I it was common, everyday normal-life things. The dishes, the clothes, whatever. But there were lots of boundaries crossed, I did things in the past 4 years I am not proud of. I'm finally coming to terms with them, and moving on from them. These past few days of being home alone have given me the chance to look over my life and myself, with help from Chad, Timmy, Mikey, Mom, and a few others. People come and go so often in life. It's the lasting friendships that I cherish and treasure the most. But a lot of those old reliable friends are gone or just in silence. Hell, I haven't talked to Devin in a while, not that he's that important any longer. He said he wanted to remain friends, and stick close. How can he do that if he never responds to texts when I want to talk to him about what's going on? I haven't got many friends, but those I have I protect, stand up for, and bend over backwards for. It's a 2 way street, if you're gonna talk the talk, then walk the walk. End of story.

I need to find a car. Bad. My finances are dwindling, and quickly. I haven't enough to get a trusty car in Pennsylvania, craigslist has nothing but broken down ones, or ones that don't pass inspection. That's not worth my time, honestly. I need to get it and take it to Ohio, flat out.

2 Hours later...

I found a car on CraigsList! Good deal, under a grand, Chevy Lumina, 2000 model. I'm gonna see it tomorrow and hopefully do everything on Tuesday or Wednesday. What a relief!

So now, it's another couple hours later (my ADD is bad, or maybe this is how I should do blog posts from now on, bit by bit throughout the day?) I played a round or 2 of Team Deathmatch on Call of Duty Black Ops with Mikey, then he had class and work. Talked to Chad for a while, helped him with a situation involving a project he was working on for a client. Good ol' Windows didn't keep the client's Internet Explorer up-to-date, so his work wasn't being shown properly, and he had to walk the client through how to update Internet Explorer. People, I beg of you, if you're not using Google Chrome, use it! You can stick with Internet Explorer if you want, just NEVER use IE6, preferably get rid of IE7 as fast as you can, and right now IE8 is in the widest use, but IE9 came out last month. The easiest way to keep it up to date is to use Windows Update, it'll install at least IE8 if you haven't already, and really you should turn on Automatic Updates, schedule for when you're not near your computer. Done. If you want to enjoy the newest Internet Explorer, or are on IE7 still and prefer to get the latest and greatest, go download it from Microsoft's Internet Explorer page. I made that link huge so that it sticks out like a sore thumb, you guys HAVE to keep these things up to date. Windows, Mac, even Linux can have zero-day exploits, and those are severe, that's when Microsoft releases its regular updates on every 2nd Tuesday of the month, and a zero-day is an unexploited, unknown exploit that can pop up on that same day or the day after, since Microsoft didn't patch it and just got finished with their cycle.

SO, moral of the story, kids. Keep your computer up-to-date!

After all that computer rant, I think I'll close this entry... Just for now. I have more things I need to write about, but that'll come with Tomorrow's post

P.S.: It's 11:28 on May 1st right now. This guy forgot about his blog and left it open in the background.

Give me credit for trying!


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